My Private Real Estate

My Private Real Estate


My Private Real Estate: Welcome to concept of Selling your Property yourself... There's never been a better time for Home owners to learn How to Advertise your property yourself.

The introduction of the internet all those years ago threw a spanner in the works and shook up many industries. Whether it be financial, banking, taxi's, or the entertainment industry...  Real Estate has been no exception.

As almost all of todays buyers are now online, this bridges a HUGE gap that once existed between Home buyers and Property owners. A gap that was once filled by Real Estate Agents...

Private Real Estate advertising is actually incredibly simple, firstly, it's just a matter of doing a bit of homework.

You can do this by searching for the recent Sale prices of homes in your area. This should only take about half an hour as all the information you need is in the Sold section on



Selling Private Real Estate without the use of a traditional agent is simple, firstly you just need to make sure your property is seen on Australia's leading Real Estate websites. You can learn the process in full by selecting one of the options below:

My Private Real Estate


How to sell your home without paying commission

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